
NDIA Board Announces New Chair Arnold Punaro

November 19, 2013

TPG in the News

Read the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) press release


Washington Post: At CSIS, Pentagon Officials and Analysts are Pessimistic About the Future

November 11, 2013

TPG in the News

Read the article


Punaro Remarks on “Overhead at the Pentagon” Delivered at Lexington Institute Forum

November 8, 2013

Thought Leadership

Arnold Punaro Remarks

The Lexington Institute Presents Regulatory Overhead at the Pentagon Forum

Punaro – Lexington Institute Remarks 11-8-2013


Punaro Remarks on “Challenges Facing DoD” Delivered at CSIS Defense Acquisition System Event

November 7, 2013

Thought Leadership

Arnold Punaro Remarks

Center for Strategic & International Studies Event:  Performance of the Defense Acquisition System – Looking Ahead

View the presentation


Breaking Defense: Pressure Snowballs To Fix Pentagon Buys; Kendall Outlines Scrub Of All Acquisition Laws

November 7, 2013

TPG in the News

Read the article


Upcoming Event (Nov. 8): The Lexington Institute Presents Regulatory Overhead at the Pentagon Forum

October 30, 2013

Thought Leadership

The Lexington Institute

Regulatory Overhead at the Pentagon

Friday, November 8, 2013

2168 Rayburn House Office Building

The Gold Room

Washington, DC 20515


Speaker Schedule:   

12:00 p.m.    Mr. Arnold Punaro, Chairman, National Defense Industrial Association

12:10 p.m.    Mr. Todd Harrison, Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

12:20 p.m.    Dr. Daniel Goure, Vice President, Lexington Institute

12:30 p.m.    Mr. William Inglee, former Staff Director, House Appropriations Committee

12:40 p.m.    Mr. Philip A. Odeenformer Chairman/CEO, TRW Inc.

12:50 p.m.    Dr. Loren Thompson, Chief Operating Officer, Lexington Institute

1:00 p.m.      Dr. Dov Zakheim, former Comptroller, Department of Defense

1:10 p.m.      Dr. Jacques Gansler, former Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics

1:20 p.m.      Mr. Russell Rumbaugh, Director, Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense, The Henry L. Stimson Center

1:30 p.m.      Mr. Christian P. Marrone, Vice President, Aerospace Industries Association


For more information, contact Constance Baroudos, Program Director at the Lexington Institute, at



Upcoming Event (Nov. 7): CSIS Presents Performance of the Defense Acquisition System – Looking Ahead

October 30, 2013

Thought Leadership

Performance of the Defense Acquisition System: 
Looking Ahead

Featuring The Honorable Frank Kendall,
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics

Thursday, November 7, 2013
8:30-10:00 a.m.
CSIS 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

In the current and foreseeable budget-constrained environment, the effective implementation of acquisition reform efforts becomes all the more important as the Department of Defense seeks to maximize every dollar. Please join CSIS for remarks by Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Frank Kendall, followed by a panel of experts who will explore defense acquisition reform through the prism of industry.


8:30 a.m.   Introductory Remarks:  Dr. John J. Hamre, President and CEO, and the Pritzker Chair,

Keynote Remarks, followed by Questions & Answers: The Honorable Frank Kendall,
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, U.S. Department of Defense

9:15 a.m.   Panel Discussion

                 Mr. Pierre Chao, Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Renaissance Strategic Advisors

                 Mr. Jon Etherton, President, Etherton & Associates, Inc.

                 MajGen Arnold Punaro (USMC, Ret.), Chief Executive, The Punaro Group, LLC

                 Mr. David Berteau, Senior Vice President and Director, National Security Program
on Industry and Resources, CSIS (Moderator)

10:00 a.m. Conclusion of Event


(Note: You must log on to your CSIS account to register. If you do not have an account with CSIS, you will need to create one. If you have any difficulties, or do not receive “password reset” emails, please contact


NDIA: Leaders Must End Shutdown, Raise Debt Ceiling, Replace Sequester Cuts

October 15, 2013

TPG in the News

Read the press release and letter


National Defense Magazine: New Warnings on Sequester – Serious Damage Has Yet to Come

October 14, 2013

TPG in the News

Read the article


New York Daily News: U.S. Economy, Security Will Suffer Unless Government Revokes Sequestration – Report

October 13, 2013

TPG in the News

Read the article